Privacy Policy


1.    Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD (the “Company”) hereby draws your attention to the necessity of supplying us with your personal data (as such term is defined in the Ordinance) and/or a copy of your identification documents in order to secure a proper and efficient business relationship with you, our client.
The supply of such personal data shall be for the purposes set out in paragraph below.

2.    For the purposes of this Notice, “Services” shall mean:
    the provision of properties around the world including without limitation, such incidental services to prospective clients; and
    the provision of property management services; and
    such other services as the parties may from time to time agree in writing.

3.    The personal data supplied by you may be used by Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD for the following purposes:
    facilitating the daily operations of Services provided to you;
    marketing to you various properties and property related services (for details please refer to paragraph below);
    meeting all legal requirements regarding disclosure obligations imposed by all relevant laws, rules, regulations or regulatory authorities applicable from time to time;
    internal processing; and
    any other purpose which you may from time to time agree to.

4.    Use of personal data in direct marketing
  • Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD intends to use your personal data in direct marketing, and the company may not so use your personal data unless the company has received your consent (which includes an indication of no objection).
  • The company would like to use the personal data in its records including your name, mobile phone number, email
  • latest products, services and events of the company, and
  •  properties and property related services of our business partners.
  •  Your personal data may be used by or provided to (within or outside Hong Kong) our business partners set out in paragraph above for their direct marketing purposes. However, the company will not disclose your personal data to any third parties for direct marketing purposes without your consent.
  • If you do not wish the company to use or provide to other persons your personal data for direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying the company at any time and without charge in accordance with paragraph 7 below. You can also choose not to receive such marketing materials by selecting the unsubscribe option which the company provides in each email, sms or mms sent to you.

5.    Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD shall take all such steps to secure and maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the personal data supplied by you but the company may disclose such data to:
  • any person under a duty of confidentiality to Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD;
  • service providers to the company (such as legal advisers, financial advisers, insurers, other professionals, consultants, and other service or commercial suppliers);
  • courts, tribunals, and government and regulatory authorities as required by law;
  • such companies, business entities or persons as courts, tribunals, and government and regulatory authorities of competent jurisdiction may direct;
  • other companies, business entities or persons as Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD considers necessary or appropriate for the purpose of completing the Services requested by you;
  • such companies, business entities or persons the services of which the company reasonably believes may be of interest to the client;
  • other companies, business entities or persons as you may approve; or
  •  the lawful successors and assigns of Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD.

6.    Inadequate or defective provision of the necessary personal data may hinder our efficiency in our provision of Services to you and even result in the company being unable to perform the functions of providing or continuing any or all relevant financial or advisory services whatsoever.

7.    You have the following rights in relation to your personal data:
  • the right to check whether Joyrich Asia Pacific LTD has any personal data relating to you and have access to that data;
  • the right to requirethe company to correct any incorrect personal data relating to you;
  • the right to make inquiries of the company regarding our policies and practices in connection with the personal data and to be informed of the kind of personal data maintained by the company.

8.    You or persons who are entitled to enforce your rights under the Ordinance may contact <+8522156 9038> for any queries or issues arising under this Notice.
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